Investigation Focus Tool
LVA 6.50 is a professional investigation focus tool using
Nemesysco’s proprietary Layered Voice Analysis technology. It
is capable of detecting and measuring many different
psychophysiological reactions that are indicative of changes in
the tested party's perception, alerting the trained operator to
follow its indication and leads.
Layered Voice Analysis (LVA) Technology
Nemesysco’s LVA technology enables a quick and effective decision-making process based on any available human speech data. LVA identifies various types of stress, cognitive processes and emotional reactions that expose the emotional profile and sensitive discussion points of your subject.
LVA 6.50 Modes Of Operation
Real-time analysis during investigations Face to Face / Over-The-Phone
In-depth analysis of pre-recorded material
The investigation tool of choice.
Know Your Suspects
Get to know your suspects much faster. Using the combined skills of your professional knowledge and the high sensing capabilities of LVA, the system will lead you to reveal the whole truth much faster than ever before.
LVA 6.50 and the Polygraph,
Friends or Foes?
Is LVA 6.50 a substitute for the polygraph? We say no. The polygraph has been around for over 100 years, and when used properly it is a very effective tool. We have several polygraph experts in our network, and we can say clearly where each of the products can complement the other, all with the aim to get to the truth.
LVA 6.50 completes (not competes)
with the Polygraph,
Use LVA earlier in the investigation when you may have a large number of suspects and little time. LVA 6.50 is used in the pre-test interview (before the polygraph test), and can hint to prepare a better Polygraph questionnaire. LVA 6.50 works over the phone and with recorded material. Use LVA when you don't want the suspect to know. Better with open conversations than with "yes/no" questions.