Add Genuine Emotion Detection to your call center quality assurance solutions

KNOW Your Call Center™

QA7 Voice Analysis Technology uses advanced voice analysis for Genuine Emotional Detection to scan through all ongoing calls in your call center and identify the ones that are mistreated, require training, or contain crucial information for your business.

Call center quality assurance - Randomly listening is not enough.

Research show that out of every 100 calls taking place, 1 to 5 are mistreated. Randomly listening to calls is therefore very ineffective and the alternative of waiting for customers to complain or just leave is simply not a valid option in today’s competitive market.

3 paths of using Genuine Emotion & Personality Assessment in the Call Center

CSAT Management
Customer side experience & insights

Monitor the customers’ satisfaction from the level of service, the products, procedures and the organizational operation.

KPI & reports
Management side & ROI

Key Performance Indicators and reports are easily created to reflect objective data for management use.

Agent’s life cycle
The Agent’s side experience

Follow your agents' emotional trends - from selection to training, to graduation and to early retirement signs.

Immediate & Objective KPIs

QA7 will start producing emotional readings right away, and there is normally no need for tuning and dictionary settings. The emotional states are universal and therefore QA7 is completely language agnostic! It identifies the emotional components without relying on spoken words or even expressed tonality.

Get real-time alerts when your customer is getting angry!

Using Nemesysco’s QA7 emotion analysis technology, your call center solution can now enable new and advanced features

Automated reports

Automated generation of unbiased reports measuring overall site, group and individual performance over time

Warning signs

Identify various warning signs earlier and faster

Agent performance

Track agents' performance to improve training and apply gamification techniques

Workforce optimization

Identify emotional patterns of the agents over the day to optimize the work schedule

Set Your Focus on

QA7’s primary goal is to quickly identify mishandled calls so managers can take affirmative action, on time, and improve agents’ training.

Identify basic "emotion styles" to improve sales

Start building today for a solid tomorrow


Collect the emotional profiles of agents and customers in the CRM system.


Add BIG DATA analysis to identify emotional interactions and find “Cultural/Emotional based” optimal matches


Match the most suitable agent to the customer’s emotional profile


Offer the most suitable products, with the most suitable agent, at the most suitable time

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